Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

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Virgo Monthly Horoscope

WEEK OF August 17 - 2 3, 2020

Grab your headlamp and pull on the wetsuit. This Tuesday, August 18, the annual new moon in Leo sends you on a dive mission into your own psyche. Every year around this time, your twelfth house of healing, subconscious exploration and transitions gets activated by both the Sun (in Leo) and a new moon. This could expose some wounds that you still have some processing work to do around. Try not to see this as a depressing, isolating experience. In fact, it’s a hugely important part of your own spiritual evolution—and alas, there’s no getting around the emotional excavation. While your mood may plummet temporarily, you’re doing important inner work. When you swim up to the surface, you’ll have an enlightened perspective about how to deal with a situation that has, honestly, kept you anchored for far too long. Goodbyes can be excruciating, but you may discover that in order for you to grow, you need to let something (or someone) go…at least, for the time being. But this new moon might also be the boundary-melting elixir you’ve been waiting for so you can open your heart to a prospective soulmate. Over the coming six months, this lunar lift will continue to raise your vibration and put you more in touch with your intuitive, creative side. No, you don’t have to abandon your practicality and analytical approach to problem-solving; you’ll just acquire even more tools for your kit!

Although the new moon is driving you to process the past, there will be plenty of “fresh start” energy to tap into this week. On Wednesday, your cosmic commander, mental Mercury, traipses into Virgo for its annual visit. With the socially experimental, info-gathering planet lighting up your first house of expression until September 5, you won’t be content to hide in a bubble. Push yourself to circulate more, even if you’re connecting virtually. You want people to see you, respond to you, let you know that you’ve made an impact. Mercury in your sign lends sparkle to all your exchanges—so much so that you can easily get swept up in the moment, saying “yes!” to plans you have no intention of carrying through on. Unless a project is REALLY too good to pass up, hold off on making commitments for the next few weeks. Dabble, explore and socialize for socializing’s sake.

The happiest news of the week arrives on Saturday, when the luminous Sun bursts through the clouds of your introspective twelfth house and lights up your sign for the next four weeks. Virgo Season is officially underway, and this auspicious cycle is like hitting the refresh button on your personal operating system. What’s next for you, Virgo? You won’t be able to backburner your loftiest dreams between now and September 22. But before you can start manifesting, take a moment (or a few days, even) to reflect on your highest priorities. Are you seeking a new or improved relationship? Do you want to apply for a different job or turn one of your hobbies into a supplemental income stream? To realize some of your grander ambitions, you’re going to have to take proportionally bigger risks. Since the thought of making a “mistake” can freeze you in your tracks, try to reframe this exploration as a “learning experience.” Line up your support circle for motivational pep talks, and if you’re REALLY going out on a limb, consider hiring a coach who can help with the all-important structures and systems. It’s an investment in your growth—a birthday gift that will keep on giving.

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