Tra gli accessori Autunno Inverno 2020 2021 di Zara spuntano dei carrelli portaspesa, e pare che siano già sold out
La scorsa settimana Zara ha
La scorsa settimana Zara ha
Five years ago, the cult-loved Parisian retailer The Broken Arm teamed up with the Italian mountaineering label Salomon on a pair of ultra-functional, high-top sneakers. The shoe, a
Date October 19, 2020
As the Western world challenges Eurocentric and size-specific ideals of beauty, the modelling industry is becoming more inclusive. Here are some agencies that
Over the past several years, these chains have become more and more common in the sport. Getting here has been a slow march: current players say they’re following
So, you've got somewhere to be. It's freezing out and you're feeling lazy, but you need to look good. There's only one fail-proof solution: pulling on a cashmere sweater. The warmest,
One look at makeup artist Robert Sesnek's client list and you'll trust anything he has to say.
Date October 19,
È uno dei designer di calzature più famosi dei nostri tempi, amatissimo dalle donne di tutto il mondo per le
Da sinistra: abito bianco Loeil, abito in maglia Maryling, pantaloni Marco de Vincenzo, scarpe Malone Souliers, cerchietto Flapper, cappello Montegallo, giacca Annakiki, pantaloni Munè
Se negli Anni 50 era amatissimo per il suo aspetto raffinato e bon ton, con il passare del tempo, il cardigan ha esplorato diverse versioni, inclusa quella grunge, che metteva in
Cambia la skincare, ma il make-up, che sia trucco over 40 o under 20, resta bene o male lo stesso. D'accordo, forse si dismettono i
© Maddalena Arcelloni. Incredibly Close, Other Size Gallery, installation view_ph. Nicola Gnesi